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2025 NJTESOL/NJBE Spring Conference

May 20 - May 22

The 2025 conference of the New Jersey Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages/New Jersey Bilingual Educators (NJTESOL/NJBE) will have two components: an in-person conference and a video library conference.

Event Description

Intersectionality: Shaping Experiences & Creating Opportunities

In-person conference

The In-Person Conference will take place at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in New Brunswick on May 20-22. You can register for one, two or all three days. The conference will feature three keynote speakers: Alisha De Lorenzo, Dr. Patriann Smith, and Missy Testerman (2024 National Teacher of the Year).

In addition, you’ll select from many presentations approved for the continuing education requirement, network with your colleagues, and obtain the latest information on state and national initiatives. You can also meet with representatives at the sponsors’ and exhibitors’ booths to find the latest and greatest teaching tools. You can earn professional development hours throughout the day.

Video library conference

The Video Library Conference is a select collection of library presentations you will have access to view starting on May 27 using the conference platform. There is no set schedule, and you will be able to view the workshops from May 27 to August 21. By using your unique login, your hours will be tracked so that you can earn professional development hours through August 21. Please note that the select collection of presentations will not include the keynotes or special invited guest speakers.


Presentation topics will include General Interest, Content Area Instruction, Bilingual/ESL Preschool through Grade 12, Higher Ed, Teacher Education, Adult Education, K-12 Administrators, and Dual Language/Biliteracy.

Registration and more information 

Register early for a discounted rate. Registration includes one free year of membership.

For other conference questions email Caia Schlessinger, Conference Coordinator.