Teaching the Truth about Colonialism

Most Americans have learned an oversimplified version of colonial America that leaves out the voices and stories of enslaved Africans, Indigenous people and indentured servants.


Fair Isn’t Always Equal: Virtual Book Study with Learning Resource Center South

VIRTUAL BOOK STUDY Assessments can do more than just provide grades. They can be powerful and equitable ways to engage and motivate students, differentiate instruction, and support student agency, particularly in differentiated, inclusive classroom contexts. Fair Isn't Always Equal : Assessing & Grading in the Differentiated Classroom (2nd Ed.) offers an approach to assessment and


Teaching Inclusively: African American History Across the Curriculum

Continuing Professional Development for NJ Teachers Teaching Inclusively: African American History Across the Curriculum The Amistad Curriculum serves as a model for districts across the country of what should be occurring within classrooms. The empowerment of educators to effectively infuse African American history into their curriculum is essential to its success. This experience is focused

Teaching Controversial Issues and Media Literacy

Livington Campus Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 54 Joyce Kilmer Avenue Lucy Stone Hall, A352-354, Piscataway, NJ, United States

Presented by Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences New Jersey Center for Civic Education. We live in a highly partisan era and teachers are concerned about how to address controversial issues in a non-partisan manner that creates a safe classroom environment and promotes civil discourse. Media literacy is a key aspect of this. This workshop

Nazism in America: The Front of Youth Camps

Kean Skylands 243 Mount Paul Road, Oak Ridge, NJ

Dr. Krasner, a historian and prize winning poet, will present the history of the Bund in America, the establishment of these camps with a special emphasis on Nordland.

Getting to Know the Sex Education Standards

Getting to Know the Sex Education Standards is presented by NJEA & Answer. Tazmine Weisgerber from Answer (Rutgers) will address the updates, the additions, the standards, and much more.

Infusing Civics Into K-5 Curriculum

Livington Campus Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 54 Joyce Kilmer Avenue Lucy Stone Hall, A352-354, Piscataway, NJ, United States

Presented by Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences New Jersey Center for Civic Education. The primary purpose of social studies is to help students become the citizens our democracy requires, and the foundation for effective citizenship is laid in elementary school. Young students can grasp many of the essential concepts of civic education if presented