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Providing Sex Education with Cultural Humility
This training will address the difference between cultural proficiency/competency and cultural humility, measure one’s own intercultural humility using the Intercultural Development Continuum, as well as concrete definitions and activities
Community of Practice Power Hour
The NJEA PDII Community of Practice Power Hour for educators will serve as a collaborative space where they can share knowledge, expertise, and best practices.
Harnessing the Power of Graphic Novels in the Classroom
Learn the scholarship and research behind the benefits of using comics and graphic novels in the classroom while also gaining access to learning activities and materials to support this work.
Opening Up History: On the Road to Brown v. Board of Education
Learn the intriguing history of school desegregation through a pluralistic lens by exploring some case studies before 1954.
The Missing Stories: South Asian American History from the 1700s to Today
In “The Missing Stories,” SAADA’s Executive Director Samip Mallick will cover how communities come to be excluded from the archival record and how we can address these absences.
Member Learning
PD Transcript
Manage your professional learning resources in your PD Transcript.
PD Mission & Vision
Teacher Leader Academy
Applications now being accepted. Deadline for submissions is May 15, 2023.
NJEA Review
Read NJEA's award-winning monthly professional journal.