Top Stories


Statewide Virtual Series, Webinars

Opening Up History: On the Road to Brown v. Board of Education

Learn the intriguing history of school desegregation through a pluralistic lens by exploring some case studies before 1954.

Statewide Virtual Series, Webinars

The Missing Stories: South Asian American History from the 1700s to Today

In “The Missing Stories,” SAADA’s Executive Director Samip Mallick will cover how communities come to be excluded from the archival record and how we can address these absences.

Statewide Virtual Series, Webinars

Timeline of Suffrage

Join the Partner Group: Energizing Young Voters for a workshop designed to provide educators with valuable tools for bringing this rich history into the classroom.

Statewide Virtual Series, Webinars

The Lenape: Past, Present, and Right Relationships

Please join Chief Adam Waterbear, Tribal Storykeeper and Director of Education for the Lenape Nation of Pennsylvania, to discuss the past and present of the Lenape people.

Member Learning

School Exam Test Results Vector Illustration Student in Suit

PD Transcript

Manage your professional learning resources in your PD Transcript.

PD Mission & Vision

Golden Circle

The NJEA PDII division seeks to improve
and enrich society through public education.

PDII Equity Statement

The PDII Division celebrates differences,
values and productive conflict, and includes all voices.

PD Providers

If you would like your PD event to be considered for endorsement, please fill out our application. 

The application will be reviewed by the NJEA Professional Development Institute. If approved, a short description will be placed in the Showcase column of the NJEA Review publication as well as on our website. 

Teacher Leader Academy

Applications now being accepted. Deadline for submissions is May 15, 2023.

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